Punch Into Hyperspace
Our team created a VR/AR space cockpit demo to explore: hybrid physical and motion control interfaces; visual and audio feedback mechanisms for motion control; and blending AR and VR via stereo passthrough. The cockpit demo debued at the 2015 Slush PLAY VR Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland.
My Role
Interaction Designer, UI Engineer, Technical Lead
Though my roll first and foremost as an individual contributor working building the demo with the team, I also functioned as the team's technical lead. I worked with our product manager, Andrew Littlefield, and our team lead, Gabe Hare, to define tasking, technical strategy, and schedule for the project. As an individual contributor, I designed and developed a few key systems:
- Interaction design and engineering for our scrollable lists views full of buttons.
- Interaction design and engineering for our slider.
- A system for blending Mecanim and Leap Motion powered animation.
- A visual Mecanim based tool for managing objectives and app events in Unity3D.